We have been using Scrum since I joined the team at the end of January. Over the course of the last 8 months, we have started using several XP practices. It took a long time, but we've finally gotten to the point of using a story card wall. Well, at this point it's actually a task card wall, but it's a start :). (For those not familiar with Extreme Programming, or XP, a story card wall is a big wall used to visibly track progress of user stories throughout an iteration. User stories are written on index cards, which are placed on the wall. The location of each card on the wall provides information about its status). It's caused an almost unbelievable improvement in our communication, productivity, and visibility into problems.
Why was there such a big difference? I'll get to that in a minute, but first, a little intro to Scrum:
For those not familiar with Scrum, the daily scrum is stand-up meeting where each participant answers three questions:
1) What did you do yesterday?
2) What will you do today?
3) What is blocking progress?
It is intended to allow the team to work together to remove obstacles blocking progress and keep momentum during the iteration.
The burndown is a graph of the amount of estimated work remaining over the course of an iteration. The days of the iteration are written on the x axis, and the amount of remaining work is measured on the y axis. Each day, a new data point is added to the graph. The amount of work remaining is calculated from an accompanying list of tasks and time estimates. The time estimate for each task is updated daily.
We were getting very little value from these two tools. But why?
As I suspect is the case in many large organizations adopting Scrum for the first time, our Scrum had degenerated into a status report rather than a tool to resolve problems and increase productivity. We often forgot to mention what we would be working on in the upcoming day, and hardly anyone ever admitted to being blocked. Most of the time, we just reported what we had been working on.
As for the burndown, we had developed a habit of ending every iteration with only slight slippage from the 'ideal burndown'. Here's an example of what our burndown graphs almost always looked like:
The blue line is an ideal burndown. Notice it reaches zero at the end of the iteration. The red line is our typical burndown. Doesn't look too bad, right? The problem was, even though there weren't many hours left on the burndown at the end of each iteration, there would be lots of incomplete tasks. We would always have a lot of tasks "almost done" and very few actually done.
There were three main deficiencies in our current process that caused this problem:
1) The burndown was deceiving. It didn't show us how many tasks were currently completed and incomplete. To find that out you had to squint at the task list. As a result we were often suprised at the end of the iteration.
2) We had no way to prioritize tasks on the task list. Developers simply claimed a new task at random when they were available. As a result, often we would finish an iteration with important tasks incomplete but less important tasks completed.
3) In the daily scrum, any given developer would usually only mention that he was blocked if he couldn't make any progress at all. He would not mention if a task he was responsible for was blocked, as long as there were other tasks we could work on. Because of this, blockages would often go unresolved.
Here's how we solved these problems: We divided our task wall into three columns: Available, Started, and Completed, so we could tell at a glance how many tasks remained incomplete. We divided the Available column into three sections based on priority: High, Medium, and Low, to keep us from starting low priority tasks when higher priority tasks were available. Finally, we put bright yellow sticky notes on task cards that were blocked. At a glance, we can now tell how many tasks are currently blocked, and can take action if we spot dangerous trends (like most of the available high priority tasks being blocked). The visibility the task wall gives us makes it very easy to realize when we're heading for trouble while we still have plenty of time to do something about it, rather than at the end of the iteration.
This experience reveals a dangerous pitfall that Scrum projects can fall into when not supported by XP practices. The daily scrum iterates focuses on each individual in the team. The burndown shows one view of overall progress. Both make it easy to neglect the actual tasks that need to be completed to make an iteration a success.
I'm eager to hear the opinions and perspectives of others who have used Scrum. Do you support Scrum with XP practices (or vice versa)? Have you encountered this same pitfall? Are there other pitfalls I should keep an eye out for (I've got a few others in mind)?
Why was there such a big difference? I'll get to that in a minute, but first, a little intro to Scrum:
For those not familiar with Scrum, the daily scrum is stand-up meeting where each participant answers three questions:
1) What did you do yesterday?
2) What will you do today?
3) What is blocking progress?
It is intended to allow the team to work together to remove obstacles blocking progress and keep momentum during the iteration.
The burndown is a graph of the amount of estimated work remaining over the course of an iteration. The days of the iteration are written on the x axis, and the amount of remaining work is measured on the y axis. Each day, a new data point is added to the graph. The amount of work remaining is calculated from an accompanying list of tasks and time estimates. The time estimate for each task is updated daily.
We were getting very little value from these two tools. But why?
As I suspect is the case in many large organizations adopting Scrum for the first time, our Scrum had degenerated into a status report rather than a tool to resolve problems and increase productivity. We often forgot to mention what we would be working on in the upcoming day, and hardly anyone ever admitted to being blocked. Most of the time, we just reported what we had been working on.
As for the burndown, we had developed a habit of ending every iteration with only slight slippage from the 'ideal burndown'. Here's an example of what our burndown graphs almost always looked like:

There were three main deficiencies in our current process that caused this problem:
1) The burndown was deceiving. It didn't show us how many tasks were currently completed and incomplete. To find that out you had to squint at the task list. As a result we were often suprised at the end of the iteration.
2) We had no way to prioritize tasks on the task list. Developers simply claimed a new task at random when they were available. As a result, often we would finish an iteration with important tasks incomplete but less important tasks completed.
3) In the daily scrum, any given developer would usually only mention that he was blocked if he couldn't make any progress at all. He would not mention if a task he was responsible for was blocked, as long as there were other tasks we could work on. Because of this, blockages would often go unresolved.
Here's how we solved these problems: We divided our task wall into three columns: Available, Started, and Completed, so we could tell at a glance how many tasks remained incomplete. We divided the Available column into three sections based on priority: High, Medium, and Low, to keep us from starting low priority tasks when higher priority tasks were available. Finally, we put bright yellow sticky notes on task cards that were blocked. At a glance, we can now tell how many tasks are currently blocked, and can take action if we spot dangerous trends (like most of the available high priority tasks being blocked). The visibility the task wall gives us makes it very easy to realize when we're heading for trouble while we still have plenty of time to do something about it, rather than at the end of the iteration.
This experience reveals a dangerous pitfall that Scrum projects can fall into when not supported by XP practices. The daily scrum iterates focuses on each individual in the team. The burndown shows one view of overall progress. Both make it easy to neglect the actual tasks that need to be completed to make an iteration a success.
I'm eager to hear the opinions and perspectives of others who have used Scrum. Do you support Scrum with XP practices (or vice versa)? Have you encountered this same pitfall? Are there other pitfalls I should keep an eye out for (I've got a few others in mind)?