Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Work With the Customer, Not For the Customer

If you think your job is to do what the customer* tells you to do and build what the customer tells you to build, you are at risk of creating this:

We as software professionals have a responsibility to our customers that goes beyond giving them total control. We are responsible not just for writing code; we are responsible for helping to create a useful product.

A few days ago, I was listeneding to an IT Conversations interview with Joel Spolsky. He talks a bit about how XP teams work with the customer role, and makes a few good points:
  • "Customers will not invent the great features. They will not come up with the 'big leap' ideas." (Your average music aficionado would never have invented the iPod, for example.)
  • "A good programmer... will come up with features customers never would have imagined were possible." (due to knowlege of program internals and what's technically possible, combined with understanding of domain and the needs of the user.)
  • You will discover more interesting insights when you say "Tell me about your job and how you use [our product]" rather than ask "What features should we do?"
  • When you ask that second question, "... you get customers asking you for features that seem like obvious features to ask for but which they're never going to use or care about or need."
I think what Joel is getting at is that often the customer on an XP team is someone with operational experience, not product development experience. Product development expertise is needed to create a coherent, useful, and elegant product, but teams new to agile development sometimes neglect to make use of their experience to help the customer do this. Sometimes, we throw out the heavy up-front planning and design, but neglect to replace it with a deep level of collaboration with the customer throughout the development effort. This often results in a product without a coherent vision. Users may not find this product useful, but may not be able to articulate what's wrong with it.

We are all experts at living in homes, but if you designed and supervised the construction of your own home without advice from architects, engineers, and construction experts, you probably wouldn't be very happy with the result. Likewise, if you do not help shape the vision of the product, you'll likely build something your customer and users aren't very happy with (despite it being exactly what they asked for).

Unless your customer has significant product development experience, the expertise of both parties is needed when shaping the vision of the product. (I'm assuming here there is a business analyst, markitect, usability expert, or someone else - hopefully several people - with significant product development experience on the development team, and that the customer is a domain expert with a keen understanding of the problem the product is meant to solve and the people who will be using it.) As my colleague Dmitri Dolguikh recently remarked:

"[Software development] is not about the customer asking you for something and you building it for them. It's about you and the customer working together to figure out what it actually is that they need."

Responsible software development means working with your customer to create the best possible product, not working for your customer and abdicating all responsibility for the product being built.

* Please read this as "Product Owner" if you prefer Scrum to XP.

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